Hello all. I am now skinning computers here in Afghanistan. Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us in Operation Enduring Freedom. Just thought I'd drop a line for those who know me. By the way did UZZEE say he lived here? I'll find him! Maybe he's with OSAMA. Seriously can I use my object desktop on two computers? One at home where I am obvoiusly not, and one here downrange? Mormegil's theme sure would spruce up the place around here. Nothing but brown and tan here
Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 12, 2003

'Fraudian'?....oh heck...

Yes...the right to misspell for JAFO is something worth defending....Spell checker

On a related note....the entire Aussie SAS contingent was honoured for their service in Iraq.....six months or so behind the 'lines' and without a casualty...as usual, no real details, but it was apparently extremely significant and valued...

Take care over there....and say hello to the Aussies still there too for us...

on Dec 12, 2003
already did Jafo. a few New Zealand guys around too.
on Dec 12, 2003
or should it be Fraud-ian
on Dec 12, 2003
Er.....his name is/was Freud.....Spell checker
on Dec 12, 2003
with my being DID/MPD you don't think I know this?

[Message Edited]
on Dec 13, 2003
Thanks for the clarification...Very informative and instructive

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on Dec 13, 2003
BTW, I didn't mean to "stir up a stink", my first post was rash and I apologize for that. Furthermore I fully understand that a man far away gets homesick. I respect that. I was referring to the nationalistic sentiments that keeps popping up here, and that is indeed political. You can call this liberal bs (although "liberal" means the opposite in my country...), but I still think my question was a valid one. I do not wish to start a debate on U.S foreign policy here, so I won't be derailing this thread any further.

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on Dec 13, 2003
#15 by Scribe Fuzzy Logic - 12/12/2003 2:27:06 PM
If you find Osama over there, I'd like to have a 'word' with him...

Yeah, sure thing fuzzy, you can have osama but I want uzee
on Dec 13, 2003
I will keep you in my prayer's The Rated PG and for all the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Stay safe and come home soon. My daughter just got back from Iraq and in January may be going again for 15 months. Take care and Have a safe Holiday Season
on Dec 13, 2003
Merry Christmas Zack..I've been away for the Holidays and it sucks!! Keep safe and Thanks to you and all of our armed Forces this Holiday season.
on Dec 13, 2003
"liberal" means the opposite in my country

Liberal means something else in the states too from what it used to mean, hell so does conservative

No worries, no harm...

I happen to be Independant and slid back and forth on different issues from conservative to liberal. Personally party affiliation seems a bit stupid to me because it is as if either party does a damn thing which is good without doing an even larger number of things which are backwards or out right bad.

But... This thread is about Women and Men, Boys and Girls who are becoming Women and Men, Fathers, Mothers, Grandparents, Sisters, Brothers, Sons and Daughters all hanging it out because their government told them to and they are not shirking their duty and when push comes to shove they do it for a number of reason but in the end it all boils down to the fact that *they* do this to protect us at home... and that is never wrong no matter what....

anyway... Greets and Welcome Ordos, good to meet ya
on Dec 13, 2003
will keep you in my prayer's The Rated PG and for all the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Stay safe and come home soon.

What She Said...

You folk be careful over there

And Thanks
on Dec 16, 2003
Just to let you know if you see it looks like I'm talking to you its because my wife may come here on my user name and converse with me. I hope that it will not be a problem w/admins. We'll keep it to a minimum if at all. just to let you know.

On a lighter note. A lot of Christmas gifts are coming in country for the afghan children. Also you don't hear on the news about all the letters and christmas cards sent from children and total strangers. I got a letter from a 7th grade middle school student. I also got a Christmas card and note from workers of a emergency room ward of a hospital. None are personal all just dear soldier, but the letters and notes themselves are very personal and heartfelt. I wrote the little girl back. I'm sure she will be so tickled to hear from "a soldier". I would like to personally thank any of you that have done this or had children in school that do this. Also know that I have seen alot of good over here that does not make the news because it is boring according to TV programmers. The food, educating of growing crops, school supplies we give, medical treatment-basic shots that we take for granted before we even make it to kindergarden school. Nonexistent here until we and civilians alike have provided. Even employment at the local levels for some. 3/4's of the people here have it real bad after all these years of crisis in this part of the world so be thankful and consider yourselves very fortunate this holiday season. And no this is not some propoganda agenda, just my personal opinion and visual seeings from day to day. It is very sad(to the point of tears and moments of pause) to see what has happened as a result of wars past and Taliban rule, but at the same very joyful(peace of mind) to see all the many uniforms of different countries and organizations all making a difference for the common good.
on Dec 16, 2003

The Rated....I see no problem with you and your wife communicating via the board while you're 'over there'....the only requirement is that definitely nothing in the way of 'restricted or classified' information is passed via the site.

We don't want the black helicopters dropping in with a 'please explain'....

on Dec 16, 2003
obviously. besides all the black ones are over here. The only ones they got left are purple and yellow
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